Over time, a woman’s breast can change; resulting in a loss of volume and youthfulness. Whether your breasts have started to droop and lose volume because of gravity, age, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, heredity, or breastfeeding, you may be the perfect candidate for a breast lift from Dr. Rick Silverman.
What Is A Breast Lift?
A breast lift, technically called a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that is designed to raise sagging or drooping breasts, and can even reposition the nipples so that they sit higher on the breast. During a breast lift procedure, excess skin will be removed from the bottom of the breast or around the nipple, and then the remaining skin will be sewn together to lift and tighten the breast.
Who Is A Good Breast Lift Candidate?
Breast lift surgery is gaining more and more popularity among patients everywhere. The ideal candidate for this procedure includes someone who:
- Is physically healthy
- Maintains a stable weight
- Doesn’t smoke
- Has breasts that are flat, elongated, or pendulous
- Has stretched skin
- Has enlarged areolas
- Is bothered by sagging or small breasts
- Has nipples that fall below the breast crease when unsupported
- Has one breast lower than the other
Breast Lift Before & After Images
What Are The Benefits Of A Breast Lift?
Breast lift surgery takes flattened sagging breasts and rejuvenates them. With aging, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding, the breast mass can tend to move more into the bottom of the breast. This surgery returns the breasts to a higher, younger position on the chest. Lifts are very satisfying procedures for women whose breasts have become pendulous. They can downsize enlarged areolae. They can take nipples that may be pointing downward and bring them back to their natural higher position.
Bottom line. No one likes the sagging that affects our entire body as we age, but this can be especially depressing for a woman when her breasts droop, flatten, sag, and have excess skin. Breast lifts can reverse all of that. And, if you combine the lift with the placement of implants, you can add some volume as well.
What Are The Different Types Of Breast Lift Incisions?
Dr. Silverman adapts each breast lift procedure to the unique needs of every patient. Different incisions are used depending on the degree of sagging and excess skin involved. There are three incision options.
- Areolar incision — A donut-shaped incision is made around the areola. This is also known as a small-incision mastopexy. This method can be used with women with smaller breasts who have minimal sagging and minimal excess skin.
- Lollipop incision — This starts with the donut-shaped incision, but it then extends downward, ending at the breast crease. In cases of moderate sagging and skin excision, this method should provide adequate access.
- Anchor incision — This follows the lollipop incision but then extends in both directions along the breast crease. Obviously, this incision provides the most access for removing fatty tissue and trimming excess skin.
How Is A Breast Lift Procedure Performed?
Once the incision has been made, Dr. Silverman lifts and reshapes the breast tissue to reverse the effects of sagging and stretching. In the lollipop and anchor incisions, the nipples and areolae will be relocated to a higher position on the breasts to match the new profile. Dr. Silverman often also reduces the size of the areolae. The final step is to trim away excess sagging skin.
If you’ve opted to add augmentation to your breast lift, implants are added at this point. Dr. Silverman creates a pocket for the implants and then places them. Because incisions are already made, augmentation with a breast lift doesn’t require any additional incisions.
What Our Patients Have To Say About Dr. Silverman
"Dr. Silverman is definitely the best in his field. He genuinely cares about his patients and matching their needs with his extreme talent and skill of plastic surgery. I have seen him a few times and am seeing him again soon. It is clear he takes pride in his work and his patient’s results. If you are considering a procedure with him, I would suggest it 100%! He has changed my life!"
How Do I Prepare For My Breast Lift?
As with all surgeries, you’ll need to be cognizant of the medications you’re taking and how they can affect bleeding and healing. You’ll need to stop taking any blood-thinning medication, various anti-inflammatories, and most supplements one week prior to your surgery. All of these can lead to excessive bleeding and subsequent bruising. If you’re a smoker, you’ll need to stop for at least two weeks prior to and after your surgery because smoking can seriously hinder wound healing.
Your main preparation should be to prepare for your recovery. Breast lifts can involve some long incisions and this makes for a more involved recovery. You’ll probably want to take a week off work, so plan your recovery nest with lots of entertainment and comfort. You won’t be able to lift much for at least a couple of weeks, so it’s a good idea to get someone to help out around the house for a week or two.
Does A Breast Lift Procedure Reduce The Size Of Your Breast?
Studies suggest that, while breast lift surgery does not reduce breast size, many women who undergo this procedure do experience a change in bra size after their procedure. This decrease in bra size, usually one cup size, is not due to having smaller breasts but having breasts that are truer to a natural shape. After a breast lift, patients can expect their breasts to sit higher on the chest wall, look perkier, and feel firmer. These are advantages that outweigh a potential decrease in bra size.
Breast Lift With Implants
One common misconception that many patients have about a breast lift is that it will make their breasts larger. However, that simply is not the case. If you want to add more volume to your breasts, Dr. Silverman may recommend a breast lift with implants. With this surgery, Dr. Silverman will not only lift the existing breast tissue and get rid of excess skin, but he will also use an implant to add more volume to your breasts.
How Long Does A Breast Lift Procedure Take?
If conducted as the sole procedure, a breast lift takes 2 to 3 hours. Surgery may take slightly longer if patients elect to include additional techniques, such as breast augmentation or reduction, along with their lift.
Breast Lift Recovery Time
Recovery time for this type of surgical procedure varies from patient to patient. However, the average breast lift recovery takes about two weeks for the swelling and bruising to subside. We encourage our patients to take about a week off of work to help speed up the recovery process.
What Kind Of Scarring Will I Have After A Breast Lift?
Are My Breast Lift Results Permanent?
The results of a breast lift may last many years but are not considered permanent. This is because the skin inevitably changes over time due to aging and various other factors. Some women never repeat breast procedures after their lifts. Others, however, may want a touch-up after just a few years. This may be influenced by breast size and lifestyle habits.
Can A Breast Lift Affect Breastfeeding?
Some breast or nipple surgeries can affect the amount of milk a woman produces. This is more common with breast reduction and breast augmentation than with a breast lift, though. In most cases, a woman who was able to breastfeed before a breast lift will retain that ability after her surgery. This is because a breast lift, unlike certain other procedures, is less disruptive to milk ducts in the breast tissue.
Does A Breast Lift Require Anesthesia?
Breast lifts are performed under general anesthesia. The combination of medications administered puts patients in a sleep-like state, so there will be no recollection of surgery. Anesthesia also has an effect on the brain, which eliminates pain sensations during surgical procedures. During breast lift surgery, a board-certified anesthesiologist oversees the consistent delivery of anesthesia and the patient’s vital signs.
How Much Does A Breast Lift Cost?
The costs of these surgeries with Dr. Silverman vary depending on the choices of the patient. For instance, if Dr. Silverman is able to lift the breasts with only incisions made around the areolae, the cost will be lower than full anchor incisions. There are also variables in whether or not the patient would like her nipples downsized. Once he ascertains your unique situation during your consultation, Dr. Silverman can give you an estimate of the cost of your breast lift.
Are Breast Lifts Safe?
These are not new procedures —— breast lifts have been targeting sagging breasts for decades. There is a slight risk of infection and poor wound healing, but these are rare.
What Are The Risks Of A Breast Lift Procedure?
Mastopexy is a surgical procedure that carries inherent risks such as bleeding, infection, and adverse reaction to anesthesia. These complications occur very rarely. Risks that women should be aware of as they select their board-certified plastic surgeon to include the potential for:
- Scarring – Anytime incisions are made in the skin, scarring is expected. Scars are permanent but usually fade over time to be very light in color. Though uncommon, scars can sometimes become wide and thick. We discuss with patients how they can promote optimal healing to avoid this.
- Asymmetry or irregular shape – The breasts are never fully symmetrical. However, poor healing or pre-existing asymmetry can make it more difficult to achieve a virtual balance between the breasts. A skilled plastic surgeon is equipped with the technique and artistic thinking that can minimize the risk of irregular shape.
- Changes in breast or nipple sensation –We typically expect the sensation to return within several weeks. However, a small percentage of women do not regain full sensation after their surgery.
- Nipple or areola loss – This is another uncommon complication of breast surgery. The partial or complete loss of the nipple or areola occurs when blood supply is severely limited during surgery.
- Reduce Ability to Produce Sufficient Breastmilk – There is a small risk that a breast lift could diminish a woman’s future ability to produce sufficient breastmilk. According to the La Leche League, women whose surgery occurs 5 or more years before their pregnancy have a greater chance of optimal milk production.
Are Breast Lifts Covered By Insurance?
Most breast lifts are considered cosmetic surgeries. The only way most insurance companies cover these is if they are done as part of a mastectomy reconstruction.
Breast Lift Before & After
Schedule A Consultation
Do you have drooping breasts? The breast lift surgery with or without implants might be the right option for you. Call {tel} to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rick Silverman at his office serving Boston. During your consultation, Dr. Silverman can discuss the options available to you in order to achieve your goals.