Many patients come to Dr. Silverman for his expertise in managing gynecomastia, as well as treating men and women bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts and other athletes for various concerns. Over the years, patients have come to Boston from as far away as Japan, Germany and England for surgery. Dr. Silverman’s staff has done their best to make the arrangements simple and as affordable as possible.

The Charles River, Boston, MA
Residing out of town or even out of the country, can be complicated for someone interested in an initial consultation, therefore, the use of email is a valuable tool. Someone interested may send photographs for review, details of their history and ask relevant questions. There is no charge for this inquiry. With a limited number of exchanges, the person can usually decide if they want to pursue their need further. In this case, our staff would schedule a phone consultation to review options in detail. In some cases, the doctor can meet with patients during his travels, including many of the larger bodybuilding competitions, which he attends annually. Depending on the individual situation, those meetings may be informal or formal and meeting for post-operative management is possible.
Once the individual has decided to come to Boston for surgery, the office staff can assist with hotel arrangements. Many local hotels provide discounts to visiting patients. Additionally, Dr. Silverman’s VA Ministry Of Sound Funk Soul Classics legal download office staff can provide some assistance with transportation to nearby hotels following surgery. Dr. Silverman will visit his patients at the hotel post-operatively.
After surgery, there are several ways to manage follow-up care. Various approaches include e-mail, phone calls and Skype or other video-conferencing methods if a visual evaluation is required. As previously mentioned, Dr. Silverman can arrange follow-up visits close to home since he attends several major bodybuilding competitions and meetings annually.