Patient # 54000
Case ID: 3722
31 year-old woman who underwent breast augmentation with submuscular saline implants and peri-areolar mastopexy. Shown before and eight months after surgery. Age: 31
Patient # 54000Case ID: 3722
31 year-old woman who underwent breast augmentation with submuscular saline implants and peri-areolar mastopexy. Shown before and eight months after surgery. Age: 31
Patient # 54000Case ID: 3721
25 year-old woman who underwent breast augmentation with submuscular saline implants and peri-areolar mastopexy. Shown before and three months after surgery. Age: 25
Patient # 96164Case ID: 3720
43 year-old female bodybuilder who underwent submuscular saline breast augmentation with peri-areolar mastopexy. Shown before and six months after surgery. Age: 43
Patient # 30583Case ID: 3719
33 year-old woman who underwent breast augmentation with submuscular saline implants and full (inverted T) mastopexy. Shown before and eighteen months after surgery. (Ht. 5’8″, Weight 150 lbs, 260 cc.) Age: 33
Patient # 42405Case ID: 3718
50 year-old woman who underwent breast augmentation with submuscular saline implants and peri-areolar mastopexy. Shown before and six months after surgery. (Ht 5’5″, Weight 130 lbs, 375 cc.) Age: 50
Patient # 50013Case ID: 3717
32 year-old woman who underwent breast augmentation with submuscular saline implants and vertical mastopexy. Shown before and six weeks after surgery. (Ht. 5’4″, Weight 130 lbs, 300 cc.) Age: 32
Patient # 52302Case ID: 3716
26 year-old woman with breast asymmetry, who underwent breast augmentation with submuscular saline implants and a left vertical mastopexy. Shown before and eight weeks after surgery. (Ht 5’5″, Weight 197 lbs, right 575 cc, left 475 cc.) Age: 26
Patient # 97056Case ID: 3715
63 year-old female before and four months after breast reduction. Age: 63
Patient # 60634Case ID: 3714
41 year-old female before and six months after breast reduction. Age: 41
Patient # 15252