Gynecomastia is generally considered the result of an imbalance between the hormones estrogen and testosterone. The balance of these hormones can fluctuate significantly throughout life. As men age, the body’s production and level of testosterone decrease. Although gynecomastia can affect males at any age, the most visible symptoms generally appear in adulthood.
For many males, the appearance of enlarged breasts due to gynecomastia may impact their confidence and self-image. Although they may want to change their appearance and have their breast size decreased, there may be some concern about how long the recovery may take and how it will impact their lives.
The belief that reducing the size of the breasts only to restrict the activities they enjoy or allow them to keep the physique they want may keep them from achieving the desired results.
Although male breast reduction surgery is a more invasive procedure performed under anesthesia, the recovery is relatively straightforward and similar to any other plan following a surgical procedure.
For the first month following surgery, you will wear a compression garment around your chest. While this initially helps protect the incision and surgical site, it helps your body heal and supports your chest tissue as it conforms to its smaller size.
This garment is no longer needed after 4 weeks. Although you may see continuing changes and improvements in your appearance, you can return to your everyday life without restrictions around this time.
Don’t let the fear of a long or difficult recovery keep you from getting relief from gynecomastia. Dr. Rick Silverman specializes in the cosmetic needs of active individuals and knows the importance of getting back to a training plan. Call the office in Boston, MA area at 617-965-9500 or visit to schedule a consultation today.