If you get the impression that the surgeon under consideration is pushing plastic surgery as a universal answer with no risks and no exceptions, you’re dealing with an irresponsible individual who is simply looking for new customers. It’s crucial that a surgeon address all risks, side effects, and common sense guidelines, rather than just give you a “hard sell” on the procedure.
Similarly, if you feel you’re being rushed into a decision about a procedure, this is a sign that you’re dealing with a less than ethical surgeon. If you’re offered a “one time only” rate valid for one day only or made to think it’s a case of committing now or never, the answer is never. Ethical surgeons want their clients to take their time with their decision, usually insisting on a breathing period after receiving the needed information about the procedure.
A competent surgeon is proud of his or her work and illustrates that with a portfolio of before and after photos. If these case studies are lacking, there should be a question of what the surgeon is hiding. The same is true of client feedback.
Get in touch with us for more tips on choosing a surgeon.