Here are a few things to consider as you train…your body and your mind:
- Set realistic “now” and “future” goals. Try to keep new goals in mind if you want to progress. Everyone slips sometimes and it’s ok to take short breaks. Your future goals will help you maintain your focus and momentum.
- Keep going and maintain good habits. Daily training and conscious eating are easier the longer you do And, just like anything, they are hard to start and harder to break. The next time you think about missing your workout or indulging in an “off-your-diet” meal, think about your momentum and ask yourself if it’s worth it.
- Be clear about what you want and know where you’re going. What do you want to accomplish? Is your focus on strength or mass? Don’t forget: This is your body, your mind and your choice. Outside influences may cloud your focus, so try to take your loved ones into account and don’t exclude them. Surrounding yourself with positive people is a bonus.
- Don’t be afraid to tackle the tough stuff. Increase the treadmill speed. Get creative with your diet choices…search for some interesting, new recipes. You can only make so many difficult choices each day. It’s easy to “fall off the wagon” when each and every meal and workout feels like a burden.
- Don’t be afraid to fail. The bad news is you will fail, perhaps more than once, before you reach your goal. There will be setbacks. But the good news is there are things you can control. You can keep failure to a minimum by remembering that you can’t be forced to eat bad foods or veg out on the sofa instead of going to the gym.
Big changes never come without strengthening and improving your mind. Change up your thinking and tackle your best and biggest goals! Dr. Silverman is here to help you…call for a consultation appointment, today: (617) 965-9500.