Among the many breast surgeries available – reductions, lifts, augmentations, implants – most people assume the procedures are for women only. Indeed, women have historically undertaken breast surgery for various reasons in order to improve their appearance, and in some cases, improve their health. And that’s exactly why men have breast surgery. They find that their chest does not have the appearance that they feel it should – even if they eat right and exercise. So just like women, men can seek out breast surgery to find out why they have the problem and, in most cases, correct it.
The most common reason for male breast surgery is to due to the formation of firm breast gland tissue. The condition is called gynecomastia, and is the development of breasts that appear female. Usually caused by changes in hormones at birth, puberty or as part of aging, no matter the reason, it is not a desirable condition for males of any age.
Gynecomastia is a condition that many boys and men are reluctant to talk about. But with the increase in the popularity of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures for men, it’s becoming easier to seek out help for the condition.
The basic goal of gynecomastia treatment is to reduce breast size in men who are embarrassed by ones that are overly large. And here are some specific reasons you might need it:
- You are self-conscious and uncomfortable any time you take your shirt off around others
- You find ways to leave on a shirt or tank even when swimming or participating in sports
- You feel your body is out of proportion
- You want to improve your appearance and your confidence
Here are the some of the ways we can treat the condition:
- Liposuction
- Cutting out excess glandular tissue
- A combination of both
If you’ve been staring at your chest for all the wrong reasons, it may be time to talk to a professional to discuss your options. And here’s what you can do to get started:
Call our office for a consultation, (617) 965-9500; or toll free at (800) 785-7860.