While everybody is rushing to the gym at the start of the new year, you’ve been going to the gym almost every day for as long as you can remember. But just because you don’t have the same resolutions as everybody else, doesn’t mean that you don’t have to set your own goals. This year, make it your goal to get even better bodybuilding results with a few simple tips from Dr. Rick Silverman.
Increase Your Protein Intake
Going to the gym can only get you so far on its own. However, when you combine weight lifting with a high protein diet, that’s when you’ll really start to see bodybuilding results. This year, make it one of your resolutions to eat more lean protein like chicken, egg whites, and protein powder. With so many fun recipes online, you can even spice these things up so that it doesn’t feel like you’re torturing yourself everytime you go grab another bite.
Get a Calf Augmentation
Bulking out is hard to do for everyone because everybody has a different body type. If you can bulk up on your chest, back, and arms, but you can’t seem to bulk up on your legs, then you may want to consider a calf augmentation. During this surgical procedure, Dr. Silverman will place implants underneath your calf muscles to help add more tone and definition to them; giving you a more muscular look.
Get Rid Of Excess Fat
If you have been eating a low carb diet and working out religiously, but you still have some excess fat that you can’t get rid of, then SculpSure may be the right thing for you. Sculpsure is a noninvasive body contouring procedure that’s designed to help people, like you, get rid of excess fat without going under the knife.
If you want to see even more results in 2019, then use the tips listed in this article. To learn more, contact Dr. Silverman at our Brighton of Newton office at (617) 965-9500.